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. 2015 Mar;21(3):307–319. doi: 10.1261/rna.046862.114



(A) Scaled protein steady-state level for single mRNA–single miRNA as a function of rate of formation of miRNA1 (b1μ molecules/sec), translation by complex c11 (b11p/sec), and formation of complex c11 (k11+/molecule/sec). Position marked with × corresponds to reference values of b1μ, b11p, and k11+ as listed in Table 2. Other parameter values constant, given in Table 2. (B) Line plot of scaled protein level for one miRNA, interacting with single mRNA. Lines represents specific parts of A, for constant complex formation rate (k11+=0.2943/molecule/sec). For all constant levels of b11p, increase in rate of miRNA formation (b1μ) leads to decrease in protein ratio levels. Reference values of b1μ, b11p, and k11+ listed in Table 2 are 1 molecule/sec, 0.001/sec, and 1/molecule/sec. Other parameter values are constant, given in Table 2.