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. 2015 Jan 8;4(1):122–130. doi: 10.1007/s13679-014-0129-4

Table 1.

Summary of trends in cross-sectional, longitudinal, and experimental studies examining the link between alcohol intake and measures of adiposity

Trend Study (measurement)
Men Women
Cross-sectional studies No association

Colditz et al. [8] (BMI)

Gruchow et al. [6] (BMI)

Williamson et al. [13] (BMI) Croezen et al. [20] (In 15–16 year olds, overweight risk)

Alcacera et al. [28] (BMI) Croezen et al. [20] (In 15–16 year olds, overweight risk)
Positive association

Alcacera et al. [28] (Only men above median age, BMI)

Croezen et al. [20] (Only in 13–14 year olds, overweight risk)

Sung et al. [27] (BMI)

Negative association

Liangpunsakul [9] (BMI, WHR)

Rohrer et al. [10] (Obesity rate)

Colditz et al. [8] (BMI)

Gruchow et al. [6] (BMI)

Liangpunsakul [9] (BMI, WHR)

Rohrer et al. [10] (Obesity rate)

Skrzypczak et al. [11] (BMI, WHR)

Williamson et al. [13] (BMI)


Arif & Rohrer [19] (Obesity risk)

Duvigneaud et al. [21] (combined WC and BMI)

Lukasiewicz et al. [22] (WHR, BMI)

Wakabayashi [23] (WC)

Wannamethee, Shaper & Whincup [17] (BMI, WC, WHR)

Arif & Rohrer [19] (Obesity risk)

Duvigneaud et al. [21] (combined WC and BMI)

Tolstrup et al. [16] (BMI, WC)

Wakabayashi [23] (WC)

Binge/ heavy drinking positively associated

Arif & Rohrer [19] (Obesity rate)

Coulson et al. [18] (BMI, WC, body fat %)

Lee [25] (WC)

Shelton & Knott [24] (Risk of obesity)

Arif & Rohrer [19] (Obesity rate)

Lee [25] (WC)

Shelton & Knott [24] (Risk of obesity)

Frequency negatively associated, Intensity positively associated

Breslow & Smothers [14] (BMI)

French et al. [15] (BMI)

Tolstrup et al. [16] (BMI, WC)

French et al. [15] (BMI)
Longitudinal studies No association

Arabshahi [32] (Change in BMI, WC)

alkjaer et al. [33] (Change in WC)

Holloway et al. [30] (Change in BMI)

Pajari et al. [35] (Change in BMI)

Romaguera et al. [41] (Change in WC)

Tolstrup et al. [38] (Change in WC)

Arabshahi [32] (Change in BMI, WC)

Economos et al. [43] (Weight gain)

French et al. [15] (Change in BMI)

Halkjaer et al. [33] (Change in WC)

Holloway et al. [30] (Change in BMI)

Pajari et al. [35] (Change in BMI)

Sammel et al. [36] (Weight gain of >10lbs)

Drinkers gain more over follow-up

Bell, Ge & Popkins [42] (Risk of weight gain)

Hou et al. [40] (Risk of weight gain)

Bell, Ge & Popkins [42] (Risk of weight gain)

Romaguera et al. [41] (Change in WC)

Wanamethee et al. [14] (Only in African American participants, change in weight >5kg)

Drinkers gain less over follow-up Liu et al. [34] (Risk of major weight gain)

Hou et al. [40] (Risk of weight gain)

Liu et al. [34] (Risk of major weight gain)

Thompson et al. [37] (Change in weight)

Tolstrup et al. [38] (Change in WC)

Wang et al. [39] (Weight gain)

Increases in drinking pattern positively associated

Economos et al. [43] (Weight gain)

French et al. [14] (Change in BMI)

Mozafarrian et al. [31] (Weight gain)

Wanamethee et al. [12] (Change in weight >5kg)

Schutze et al. [47] (Change in WC)

Positive association only in heavy drinking

Halkjaer et al. [33] (Wine only, change in WC)

MacInnis et al. [44•] (Change in BMI, WC)

Rissanen et al. [45] (Risk of weight gain)

Sayon-Orea et al. [46] (Risk of weight gain, obesity)

Schutze et al. [47] (Change in weight, WC)

MacInnis et al. [44•] (Change in BMI, WC)

Rissanen et al. [45] (Risk of weight gain)

Sayon-Orea et al. [46] (Risk of weight gain, obesity)

Wanamethee et al. [12] (Change in weight >5kg)

Experimental studies No significant effect of alcohol intake

Cordain et al. [49] (Weight, body fat %, others)

Beulens et al. [51] (Weight, Body fat distribution)

Fletchner-Mors et al. [53] (Change in weight)

Crouse & Grundy [48] (Normal weight participants, change in weight)

Romeo et al. [52] (Weight gain, WC)

Cordain et al. [50] (Body weight, body fat %)

Fletchner-Mors et al. [53] (Change in weight)

Romeo et al. [52] (Weight gain, WC)

Positive impact of alcohol consumption

Crouse & Grundy [48] (Half of obese patients, change in weight)

Romeo et al. [52] (Biceps skinfold only)

Romeo et al. [52] (Biceps skinfold)

BMI = body mass index, WC = waist circumference, WHR = waist-to-hip ratio