Table 1. Summary of Thyroid Function, Muscle Enzymes Level and Use of ATDs Over Time a, b.
Time c | FT4 (0.9-1.7) | CK (32-180) | LDH (87-213) |
0 d | > 7.8 | 49 | 174 |
30 d | 0.5 | 2614 | 219 |
32 | FT4 not measured, so result not available | 12413 | 402 |
33 | FT4 not measured, so result not available | 7036 | 283 |
38 | FT4 not measured, so result not available | 632 | 212 |
50 e | 4.1 | 67 | 159 |
170 e | 3.8 | 42 | 167 |
a Abbreviation: FT4, free thyroxine level; TSH, thyrotropin stimulating hormone; CK, creatine kinase; LDH, lactate dehydrogenase.
b TSH (0.27-4.20) for all of them is < 0.02
c Days after first presentation.
d Treated with Carbimazole.
e Treated with Propylthiouracil.