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. 2015 Feb 25;3:6. doi: 10.1186/s40345-015-0022-4

Table 4.

Influence and interaction of types of cumulative load (25% decay), admissions and number of admissions

Coefficient Exp coefficient a SE (coef) Robust SE b z p
Type of cumulative load between admissions
 CL .086 1.09 .019 .021 4.17 <.001
 Number of admissions .560 1.75 .064 .093 6.03 <.001
 CL-I .093 1.10 .023 .021 4.35 <.001
 Number of admissions .577 1.78 .066 .099 5.81 <.001
 CL-NoBP .085 1.09 .027 .024 3.59 <.001
 Number of admissions .603 1.83 .069 .111 5.43 <.001
Interaction effect
 CL .071 1.07 .027 .026 2.79 <.001
 Number of admissions .513 1.67 .091 .115 4.47 <.001
 CL × number of admissions .006 1.01 .009 .008 0.75 .45
 CL-I .081 1.08 .030 .023 3.49 <.001
 Number of admissions .537 1.71 .091 .118 4.56 <.001
 CL-I × number of admissions .006 1.01 .009 .010 0.58 .57
 CL-NoBP .053 1.05 .035 .024 2.25 <.05
 Number of admissions .510 1.67 .093 .125 4.07 <.001
 CL-NoBP × number of admissions .018 1.02 .012 .015 1.23 .22

CL, cumulative load including all events; CL-I, cumulative load including only independent events; CL-NoBP, cumulative load excluding events related to the disorder. aExponentiated coefficients, representing the hazard ratio. bRobust standard error (SE), corrected for the dependency of multiple times to event within the same subject.