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. 2015 Feb 15;15:150. doi: 10.1186/s12889-015-1459-1

Table 1.

Demographic comparisons of ORiEL adolescent sample with UK census information

ORiEL study sample at 2012 baseline 2011 census in ORiEL catchment area a
N % N %
Gender b
Male 1756 56.6 6205 50.9
Ethnic group c
White: UK 598 19.5 13328 24.0
White: Other 399 13.0 4454 7.4
White: Mixed 380 12.4 4648 7.7
Asian: Indian 108 3.5 2846 4.2
Asian: Pakistani 130 4.2 2888 4.1
Asian: Bangladeshi 508 16.6 12976 22.4
Asian: Other 27 0.9 1943 3.0
Black: Caribbean 147 4.8 2772 4.6
Black: African 364 11.9 8666 14.3
Black: Other 242 7.9 2511 4.2
Other 163 5.3 2392 4.0
Nativity c
Born overseas 628 20.7 26697 12.2
Borough b
Newham 895 28.8 3,967 32.7
Tower Hamlets 807 26.0 2,771 22.8
Barking & Dagenham 670 21.6 2,559 21.1
Hackney 733 23.6 2,839 23.4
Economic Activity d
Both unemployed 279 10.4 23536 11.7
One parent employed 941 35.07 67187 33.4
Both parents employed 1054 39.28 61638 30.6
Lone parent employed 235 8.76 23145 11.5
Lone parent unemployed 174 6.49 25917 12.9

aIn order to protect against disclosure of personal information age groups have been combined and some records have been swapped between different geographic areas.

bCensus sample is age 10 at March 2011.

cCensus sample is age 10–14 at March 2011.

dCensus sample is all parents aged 16 and over with dependent children at March 2011.