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. 2015 Feb 15;15:150. doi: 10.1186/s12889-015-1459-1

Table 7.

Prevalence estimates and odds ratios for longstanding illness by selected demographic, socioeconomic and environmental factors

Full sample (N) Prevalence c Analytic sample (N=1689) Prevalence % Analytic sample (N=1689) Fully adjusted odds ratio (95 % CI) d
Demographic factors
†Male 42.1 (1694) 40.9 (898) 1.00 -
Female 42.6 (1310) 41 (791) 1.02 [0.84,1.25]
Ethnic group
†White: UK 42.8 (584) 38.6 (352) 1.00 -
White: Mixed 48.4 (364) 50.5 (184)* 1.75** [1.20,2.54]
Asian: Indian 40.2 (107) 36.6 (71) 1.03 [0.59,1.79]
Asian: Pakistani 48 (127) 42.1 (76) 1.18 [0.70,2.01]
Asian: Bangladeshi 39.9 (499) 38.3 (334) 1.01 [0.72,1.44]
Black: Caribbean 51.1 (139) 52.2 (67)* 1.87* [1.09,3.22]
Black: African 31.5 (349)* 32.8 (174) 0.87 [0.58,1.31]
Other 43 (805) 42.7 (431) 1.36* [1.00,1.86]
†UK Born 43.2 (2342) 42.1 (1372) 1.00 -
Born overseas 38 (610)* 36 (317)* 0.77 [0.58,1.02]
†Newham 42.3 (863) 41.3 (421) 1.00 -
Tower Hamlets 43.1 (789) 41.7 (477) 1.02 [0.76,1.37]
Barking & Dagenham 41.9 (642) 40.8 (414) 0.98 [0.73,1.33]
Hackney 42 (710) 39.5 (377) 0.81 [0.59,1.11]
Socioeconomic factors
Parental economic activity
†Both unemployed 44.4 (277) 39.8 (186) 1.00 -
One parent employed 41.8 (922) 40.1 (574) 0.99 [0.67,1.45]
Both parents employed 41.3 (1024) 41.3 (671) 1.00 [0.65,1.53]
Lone parent employed 41.9 (229) 40.6 (143) 0.95 [0.58,1.58]
Lone parent unemployed 46.2 (171) 46 (100) 1.21 [0.72,2.01]
Doesn’t live with parent 41.4 (29) 40 (15) 0.92 [0.0,2.81]
Family affluence a
†Low 39.3 (303) 39.3 (178) 1.00 -
Moderate 43.2 (1534) 42.2 (912) 1.15 [0.82,1.61]
High 41 (1034) 39.4 (599) 0.99 [0.69,1.42]
Free school meals
†No meals 41.5 (1755) 41.1 (1101) 1.00 -
Receives free meals 43.2 (1188) 40.6 (588) 0.89 [0.68,1.16]
Environmental factors
Neighbourhood safety b
†Safe 38.2 (621) 38 (460) 1.00 -
Mixed 39.2 (755) 36.7 (570) 0.94 [0.72,1.22]
Not safe 47.3 (942)* 46.6 (659)** 1.35* [1.03,1.78]
Neighbourhood aesthetics b
†Pleasant 37.5 (550) 36.6 (437) 1.00 -
Mixed 41.9 (677) 40.5 (511) 1.16 [0.89,1.53]
Unpleasant 44.2 (1051)** 43.7 (741)* 1.17 [0.89,1.54]
Neighbourhood walk-cycleability b
†Easy to walk/cycle 43 (474) 43.1 (364) 1.00 -
Mixed 40.1 (614) 39.2 (485) 0.81 [0.61,1.07]
Not easy to walk/cycle 41.1 (1074) 41 (840) 0.95 [0.74,1.23]
Proximity to businesses & services b
†Close by 41.9 (626) 39.9 (481) 1.00 -
Mixed 41.6 (806) 41.9 (580) 1.09 [0.85,1.40]
Far away 42.9 (892) 40.8 (628) 1.02 [0.79,1.31]
Likelihood ratio test v logistic regression p = 0.39

†Reference category.

*p < 0.05; **p < 0.01.

a0 to 2 items = low score; 3 to 5 items = moderate score; 6 to 9 items = high score.

bIndividual items were summed were summed for each scale and split into tertiles owing to the skewed distribution.

cFull sample N varies by each outcome due to missing data.

dAdjusted for all demographic, socioeconomic and environmental indicators accounting for clustering within schools.