A. Schematic of three versions of an endogenous reporter plasmid. The CLP1 predicted promoter harboring its 21 bp Sxi-Induced binding site (left - WT), no binding site (middle - Δ), or a mutated site (right MU) were cloned upstream of the URA5 open reading frame and transformed into C. neoformans cells harboring inducible Sxi2a (yellow star) and Sxi1α (blue oval). B. Strains were evaluated for reporter gene transcript levels in the presence of Sxi2a and Sxi1α. Mutated sites consisted of purines converted to pyrimidines and vice versa for all nucleotides in the 21 bp site (MU), the first 10 bp of the site (Sxi2a Half-Site MU), and the last 11 bp of the site (Sxi1α Half-Site MU). URA5 expression was normalized to GPD1, and asterisks indicate p<0.003 for Δ and MU compared to the WT in the presence of the Sxi proteins.