Fig. 5.
Cacao orthologues of markers of plant carbon starvation, TcATG8i (autophagy-related protein 8i), TcAMY1 (α-amylase), TcDIN10 (raffinose galactosyltransferase), and TcDIN2 (β-glucosidase) are up-regulated upon carbon starvation in both tissues and cells as well as during WBD development. (A) Expression of carbon starvation markers in cacao leaves upon whole-plant dark treatment for 7 d. (B) Expression of marker genes in cacao cell suspension cultures without sucrose for 48h. (C) Expression of marker genes in whole infected tissues collected at key stages of WBD development, spanning from green broom stages (GB) to early necrosis. Data points represent the mean value of three biological replicates with calculated standard deviations (unpaired Student’s t-test; *P<0.05; **P<0.005; ***P<0.0005).