Figure 3. The hazard of developing strabismus according to two key predictors: birth weight and gestational age.
The effect of each primary factor on strabismus risk was estimated in a Cox proportional hazard model and is displayed in five different scenarios. Within each panel (birth weight (BW) on left, gestational age (GA) on right), from left to right the models are for (1) the crude effect of the primary factor, (2) the effect adjusting for just the other main factor in an additive model, (3) the effect in a fully adjusted model, (4–5) the effects determined by the adjusted joint exposure model in subgroups defined by the other main factor. The risk of strabismus is higher for very low birth weight infants vs. mildly low birth weight infants in all cases. The effect of gestational age is negligible after controlling for birth weight. Two intervals are very wide for the rare combination of Mildly Low BW and Very Premature.