Figure 4.
Efficacy. (A): Desmin staining (nova red) of the urethral sphincter complex in the CON, 25, 50, and 100. Arrows point to the desmin staining in these cross-sections of the sphincter. Scale bars = 200 µm. (B, C): Sphincter pressures. The actual MUP values (B) and the percentage of change in MUP (C) taken before sphincter injury (point a), immediately after sphincter injury (point b), 4 weeks later immediately before cell injection (point c), and then monthly for 9 months (points 1–9). The mean MUP values for all experimental groups decreased from point a to point b (∗) (CON: p = .037, n = 4; 25: p = .036, n = 4; 50: p = .007, n = 5; 100: p = .020, n = 5). No difference was found in postoperative MUPs among the experimental groups (B) at point b (p = .576, n = 4–5). The MUP values in the dogs treated with 50 million cells per milliliter were significantly greater than those in the CON group (∗∗) (p = .0004) or 25 (p = .0014) and 100 group (p < .0001) (C). However, the MUP values of the other 2 skMPC groups (25 and 100) were not different from the CON values (p = .956 and p = .871, respectively). Abbreviations: 25, 25 million cells per milliliter; 50, 50 million cells per milliliter; 100, 100 million cells per milliliter; CON, control; M, million; MUP, maximal resting urethral sphincter pressure.