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. 2015 Mar;56(3):489–501. doi: 10.1194/jlr.R052902


Selected mouse models of intestinal TAG metabolism

Gene Tissues with High Expression Genetic Manipulation Phenotype Reference
Mogat2 Small intestine Global knockout Delayed fat absorption (119, 122)
Increased energy expenditure
Protection from obesity induced by diet or the agouti mutation
Intestine-specific deletion Delayed fat absorption (36)
Partial protection from diet-induced obesity
Intestine-specific expression Restored fat absorption rate (37)
Partial recovery of weight gain and metabolic efficiency when fed a high-fat diet
Dgat1 Small intestine, adipose tissue and mammary gland Global knockout Delayed fat absorption (85, 87)
Increased energy expenditure
Protection from obesity induced by diet or the agouti mutation
Intestine-specific expression Restored fat absorption rate (113)
Recovery of weight gain and hepatic steatosis induced by high-fat feeding
Dgat2 Liver, adipose tissue and mammary gland Global knockout Death shortly after birth with severe deficiency in energy substrates and skin barrier defect (88)
Intestine-specific over-expression Increased TG secretion (114)
Exacerbated hepatic steatosis
MTP Liver and intestine Conditional intestine-specific deletion Reduced chylomicron secretion (120)
Large lipid droplets in enterocytes
ApoB Liver and intestine Intestine specific deletion Defect in chylomicron production (121)
Fat malabsorption
ATGL Adipose tissue Intestine specific deletion Increased cytosolic lipid droplets in enterocytes Increased fecal fat (106)
CGI-58 Adipose tissue and testes Intestine specific deletion Decreased fat absorption (107)
Increased fecal fat
TAG accumulation in enterocytes
Cideb Liver and intestine Global knockout Protection from diet-induced obesity (108, 134)
Increased energy expenditure
Reduced chylomicron secretion