Unlike their distinct effects on Cav1.4, β2a and β2X13 do not differentially modulate Cav1.2 inactivation. A–C, same as in Fig. 7 except for Cav1.2 channels containing β2a (n = 10) or β2X13 (n = 10) and α2δ4. D, same as in Fig. 7D except for Cav1.2 containing β2a (n = 9) or β2X13 (n = 9), and IBa was evoked by 5-s pulses from −80 to 0 mV. Left, representative traces are evoked by 5-s pulses. Right, Ires/Ipeak (*, p = 0.75, by Student's t test) and τ (p = 0.81 by Student's t test). Error bars, S.E.