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. 2014 Nov 19;290(3):1522–1535. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M114.603902


Data collection and refinement statistics

Fab410-BfAChE complex
Data collectiona
    Beamline (ESRFb) ID29
    Space group P21212
    Cell parameters (Å) a = 156.59, b = 251.34, c = 73.98
    Resolution range (Å) 78–2.7
    Total observations 357,674
    Unique reflections 81,126
    Multiplicity 4.4 (4.2)
    Completeness (%) 99.9 (99.4)
    ((I)/σ(I)) 10.2 (2.0)
    Rsymc 10.5 (59.4)
    B Wilson (Å2) 64.1

    R-factor /Rfree (%) 20.2 (22.8)/24.1 (29.2)

    Bonds (Å)/angles (°) 0.01/1.25
    Chiral volume (Å3) 0.087

Mean B-factors (Å)
    Main/side chains 45.9/48.1
    Solvent 46.6

Ramachandran plotf
    Residues in favored/outlier regions (%) 96.9/0.2
    PDB accession code 4QWW

a Values in parentheses are those for the highest resolution shell.

b European Synchrotron Radiation Facility.

c Rsym = Σhkli|Ihkl − 〈Ihkl〉|)/Σhkl|〈Ihkl〉|.

d R-factor = ΣhklFo| − |Fc‖/Σhkl|Fo|. Rfree is calculated for 2% of randomly selected reflections excluded from refinement.

e Root mean square deviations from ideal geometry.

f Ramachandran plot statistics have been calculated with the MolProbity server.