Figure 4. Field dependence of magnetic and magneto-chiral dichroism of the [Co-NIT]∞ helix.
XMχD (red dots) and XMCD (blue dots) measured at the photon energy of their maximum intensity (see inset) are reported as a function of the magnetic field applied at 15° from the c crystallographic axis at T=8 K. In the inset the photon energy dependence of the intensity of the dichroic contributions (XNCD in green, XMCD in blue, XMχD in red) are reported as the asymmetric ratio g=Δμ/μ, i.e. normalizing the signal to the absorption intensity at the same photon energy, which is assumed to be zero before the K-edge. The arrows indicate the photon energy used to record the field dependence of the corresponding dichroic signals.