Figure 1. Discovery-phase global qRT-PCR profiling.
A) Comparison of serum housekeeping microRNA expression (miR-23a-3p, miR-30c-5p, miR-103a-3p, and miR-191-5p) in the initial QC and full discovery-phase qRT-PCR analyses. Key: QC = quality control; HK = housekeeping. For tumor abbreviations please refer to Table 1. B) Assessment of normalization approaches for global microRNA profiling in serum samples from pediatric cancer patients and controls using a cumulative distribution graph. C) Heatmap showing overall expression levels of selected serum microRNAs identified by global qRT-PCR profiling. Key: Selected serum microRNA signature for: panel 1=MYCN-NB vs. NB; 2=HB vs. MYCN-NB/NB; 3=WT; 4=MYCN-NB/NB vs. WT; 5/6/7=RMS, ES and OS, respectively, vs. the other two sarcoma subtypes; 8=HD vs. B-NHL; 9=PPB; 10=glioma. For tumor abbreviations see Table 1. Italicized microRNAs were those used for the technical confirmation study. Red=microRNA over-expression; blue=microRNA under-expression.