Fig. 3.
Cartoons of 2 forms of spectral multiplexing observed in auditory cortex. a. Phase-of-firing multiplexing described by Kayser et al. (2009b). LFPs have been categorized into four phases, represented in color. The pattern of action potentials (top row) or local field potential (LFP) phase (middle row) alone do not provide as much information about auditory stimuli as the timing of action potentials with respect to the LFP phase in which they occur (bottom row). b. Phase-based-enhancement of spiking responses described by Lakatos et al. (2007). A somatosensory stimulus (hand, bottom row) resets the phase of the LFP (top row) in auditory cortex, but does not result in significant spiking activity (middle row). Spiking responses to subsequent auditory stimulation (ears, bottom row) are suppressed during troughs and enhanced during peaks of the ongoing LFP.