Table 2.
Output of case B. Each line can be read from right to left as: neuron name, metric function, total sum of the function over all tracing points, number of points included in the analysis, number of points excluded (in this case, around 400 points define the cell body, fiduciary axis, axons, etc), minimum value, average, maximum, and standard deviation of the metric function.
Neuron Name | Metric | Tot Sum | P.In | P.Ex | Min | Avg | Max | Std |
c11563.CNG.swc | Length | 13257.7 | 933 | −410 | 1.12 | 14.21 | 42.51 | 6.42 |
c11563.CNG.swc | Surface | 13275.9 | 933 | −410 | 1.05 | 14.23 | 117.62 | 8.48 |
c11563.CNG.swc | Volume | 1187.16 | 933 | −410 | 0.08 | 1.27 | 73.13 | 3 |
c10261.CNG.swc | Length | 13044.9 | 1305 | −404 | 1.12 | 10 | 33.67 | 5.43 |
c10261.CNG.swc | Surface | 14951.9 | 1305 | −404 | 1.4 | 11.46 | 294.79 | 11.27 |
c10261.CNG.swc | Volume | 2153.41 | 1305 | −404 | 0.11 | 1.65 | 316.9 | 9.43 |