Spatiotemporal expression of VEGF-C protein in the striatum of MSC-grafted rats on days 7 and 14 after transplantation. (A–J) Double-labeling for VEGF-C (A, D) and ED1 (B) or GFAP (E) at 7 days. VEGF-C immunoreactivity is observed in ED1-positive brain macrophages infiltrating the graft, but not in the GFAP-positive processes enveloping the graft. (G–J) Higher magnification views of the boxed areas in A, C, D, and F, respectively. (K–T) Double-labeling for VEGF-C (K, N) and ED1 (L) or GFAP (O) at 14 days. The labeling pattern remains unchanged but the labeling intensity in ED1-positive cells appears to decrease relative to that seen on day 7. Note that GFAP-positive cells infiltrating the graft are still devoid of specific VEGF-C immunoreactivity. (Q–T) Higher magnification views of the boxed areas in K, M, N, and P, respectively. Cell nuclei appear blue after DAPI staining. Scale (A–F, K–P), 100 µm; (G–J, Q–T), 50 µm.