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. 2014 Nov-Dec;47(6):368–373. doi: 10.1590/0100-3984.2013.1797

Table 1.

Imaging findings and Bosniak classification (adapted from references 1, 5, 6 and 9).

Type Imaging features without contrast Contrast enhancement features
I Water density (0–20 HU), thin margins, sharp delineation with the renal parenchyma, thin and smooth walls, homogeneous No contrast enhancement
II Presence of one or few thin septations, small and fine calcifications; hyperdense cysts measuring up to 3.0 cm (60–70 HU) No contrast enhancement, or no measurable or perceptible enhancement of septa
IIF More complex lesions which cannot be included in category II or III. Multiple septa. Walls or septa with nodular or irregular calcifications Absent, dubious or hair-like enhancement
Hyperdense cysts > 3.0 cm or with only 25% of their walls visible (exophytic)
III Thick-walled cystic lesion, septum irregularity and heterogeneous septum and wall and/or contents. Gross and irregular calcifications with measurable enhancement Wall or septum enhancement
IV Lesions with all the findings of category III, and solid component, soft parts, independent of finding of wall or septa Enhancement of wall and/or solid component(s)