Figure 2.
Number and distribution of renin-expressing cells of the different genotypes. Immunohistochemistry for renin (green) and α-SMA (red) in kidney sections of a wild-type mouse (A), a mouse with deletion of pVHL in the renin cell lineage (B), a mouse with codeletion of pVHL and HIF-2α in the renin cell lineage (C), and a mouse with deletion of HIF-2α in the renin cell lineage (D). From each genotype, a total of 100 glomeruli from two kidneys are analyzed with regard to renin expression. (A) In wild-type kidneys, 100% of the glomeruli show renin expression at their vascular poles. (B) In kidneys of mice with deletion of pVHL in the renin cell lineage, 3% of the glomeruli show weak renin immunoreactivity at their vascular poles. In these kidneys, 19% of afferent arterioles contain single renin cells in their proximal parts. (C) In kidneys of mice with codeletion of pVHL and HIF-2α, 92% of glomeruli show renin expression at their vascular poles. (D) In kidneys of mice with HIF-2α deletion, 99% of glomeruli show renin expression at their vascular poles. Asterisks mark glomeruli, whereas the arrowheads indicate JG areas/vascular poles of afferent arterioles. (A'–D') Three-dimensional reconstructions of α-SMA– (gray) and renin-immunoreactive (black) areas of the respective kidneys. aa, afferent arteriole. Bar, 50 µm in A–D; 100 µm in A’–D’.