2AA-GPP utilization is impaired with V. vulnificus UPPS and E. coli UPPS. (A)
UPPS concentrations
that doubled the 2CNA-GPP UPPSBf rate
with the E. coli and V vulnificus proteins were used. (B) Distribution of products form reactions
in panel A quenched at 1500 s. (C) Change in fluorescence with 2AA-GPP
with all enzyme concentrations used in panel A increased by 3.5-fold.
(D) Distribution of products in panel C after quenching at 1500 s:
(1, red) UPPSBf, (2, black) UPPSEc, and (3, blue) UPPSVv. Chromatograms 2 and 3 are offset by 2 and 4 min, respectively.
Note that the peaks representing flow-through material are cut to
give the best view of long chain isoprenoid products.