Multipolar spindles have multiple centrosomes. Multipolarity within Kif 2a morphants results in an abnormal distribution of chromosomes to daughter cells. (A) Confocal images of animal caps stained with Cep57 (red), α-tubulin (green), and DNA (blue). Cep 57 is localized to the centrosome area within bipolar (control) and multipolar (MO) spindles. Note that the multipolar spindles generated by Kif2a depletion have additional centrosomes in each pole, and occasionally a pole has two centrosomes (white arrow tip). (B) The percentages of cells with two or fewer, three or four, or more than four centrosomes were quantified for both control and Kif2a morphants. A minimum number of 100 mitotic figures were counted from >10 different caps within each (control and MO-injected) group. **p < 0.01. (C) Confocal images of control, stage 10.5, and stage 11 morphant animal cap cells. Ndc80 immunostaining is red, α-tubulin staining is green, and DNA staining is blue. (D) Scatter plot of Ndc80 paired foci. Ndc80 paired foci increase in number in Kif2a multipolar morphants, indicating an increase in cellular chromosomes. Fifty percent of the Kif 2a morphant cells (n = 50) had Ndc80 foci number in excess of the average number of control cells (36 pairs) and exhibited a diploid (2N) increase in number.