Figure 5.
Metabolic pathways for Clostridium butyricum CWBI 1009 affected by decreasing pH during the unregulated-pH glucose fermentation. The numbers are the calculated averages of the individual calculated expression ratios when several subunits encoding the same enzyme were detected to be differentially expressed by RNA-seq. Pathways directly related to H2 production are indicated in red. The dashed lines refer to pathways involved in pH regulation. AaABC: amino acid ABC transporter; ADH: alcohol dehydrogenase; AMT: ammonium transporter; β-U: Beta-ureidopropionase; BCAa ABC: branched-chain amino acid ABC transporter; ETA: ethanolamine permease; Fd/Fld: ferredoxin, flavodoxin; GK: glucokinase; Glu/Gln ABC: glutamate/glutamine ABC transporter; GluS: NADH-glutamate synthase; GS: glutamine synthetase; [FeFe] H 2 ase: [FeFe] hydrogenase; MoABC: molybdenum ABC transporter; N 2 ase: nitrogenase; PFK: 1-phosphofructokinase; S/P ABC: spermidine/putrescine ABC transporter; Urea ABC: urea ABC transporter.