Table 3.
Unadjusted All Injury and Serious Injury Rates per 100 Person-Years by Noise Exposure and Audiometric Status, Tinnitus, and Hearing Asymmetry 2003–2008
All Acute Injury n (rate) | Serious* Acute Injury n (rate) | |
Total | 4897 | 1104 |
Mean Noise Exposure | ||
< 82 dBA | 2465 (16.62) | 501 (3.38) |
82 to < 85 dBA | 939 (16.57) | 221 (3.90) |
85 to < 88 dBA | 1127 (21.85) | 252 (4.89) |
≥ 88 dBA | 366 (16.90) | 130 (6.00) |
PTA.5123 (binaural average at .5,1,2,3 kHz) | ||
<25 dBHL | 4359 (17.56) | 982 (3.96) |
≥25 dBHL | 538 (17.95) | 122 (4.07). |
HTL at 4 kHz (binaural average at 4 kHz) | ||
< 25 dBHL | 2857 (18.88) | 625 (4.13) |
≥ 25 dBHL | 2040 (16.08) | 479 (3.77) |
HTL at 6 kHz (binaural average at 6 kHz) | ||
< 25 dBHL | 2557 (18.85) | 562 (4.14) |
≥ 25 dBHL | 2340 (16.42) | 542 (3.80) |
PTA46 (binaural average at 4, 6 kHz) | ||
< 25 dBHL | 2681 (18.97) | 595 (4.21) |
≥ 25 dBHL | 2213 (16.19) | 509 (3.72) |
Tinnitus | ||
Yes | 985 (19.80) | 203 (4.08) |
No | 3912 (17.13) | 901 (3.94) |
Asymmetrical Hearing loss | ||
Yes | 270 (17.58) | 66 (4.30) |
No | 4627 (17.61) | 1038 (3.95) |
Abbreviations: dBA, A-weighted decibels; HTL, hearing threshold level; PTA, pure tone average; dB, decibels, dBHL, decibels hearing level
requiring medical treatment, work restrictions, or lost work time