Figure 3.
IRF1 and H3K4me3 peaks in SLE. A) There is a highly concordant change of IRF1 binding and H3K4me3 histone modification at IRF1 binding sites in SLE. Only sites with high baseline IRF1 binding (top 25%) were plotted. B) The average change of H3K4me3 in SLE according to the differential binding set assignment (see text). The p values indicate the difference between each set and sites with unchanged binding activity (grey line). C) The average change of H3K4me3 around IRF1 binding sites of target genes. Sites were split into two groups according to the differential expression of target genes. Targets significantly upregulated in SLE have a more distinctive, asymmetric pattern of H3K4me3 change. The direction was adjusted so that the closest TSS is always at the right side of the plot.