International |
Quality and Costs of Primary Care in Europe |
Coordinated by the Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research (NIVEL) |
[30,31] |
International Survey of Primary Care Doctors |
The Commonwealth Fund, Harris Interactive |
[23–29] |
World Health Organization (WHO) Primary Care Evaluation Tool |
Regional Office for Europe of the World Health Organization; the NIVEL |
[32–41] |
Canada |
Primary Health Care Practice-Based Surveys |
Canadian Institutes of Health Information |
[20,56,57] |
Primary Care Network Survey |
University of Calgary, Alberta |
[42] |
Organizational Questionnaire |
Institut national de santé publique du Québec |
[48–53] |
Primary Care Organization Surveys |
Nova Scotia Department of Health |
[55] |
Comparison of Models of Primary Health Care in Ontario |
University of Ottawa; Elisabeth Bruyère Research Institute |
[11–13,44–46] |
The Management of Patients with Chronic Illness |
University of Alberta |
[43] |
Accessibility and Continuity of Primary Care in Québec |
Principal investigator: Jeannie Haggerty, Centre de recherche du Centre hospitalier de l'université de Montreal |
[54] |
Survey of Primary Care Practices in Ontario |
Collaborative project of the University of Toronto, University of Western Ontario, and McMaster University |
[47] |
United States of America |
Translating Research into Action for Diabetes |
Study Coordinating Center: University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey |
[82–86] |
Primary Care Depression Management Organizational Survey |
Corresponding author: Dr. Edward P. Post, University of Michigan and Ann Arbor Veterans Affairs Medical Centre |
[99] |
Prescription for Health Independent Evaluation |
Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey |
[96,97] |
Physician Practice and Quality of Care Survey |
Corresponding author: Dr. Mark Friedberg, RAND Corporation |
[120] |
Chronic Disease Prevention and Control Healthcare Practice Surveys |
Washington State Department of Health |
[98] |
National Survey of Physician Organizations and the Management of Chronic Illness |
University of California, Berkeley, support of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation |
[87–95] |
Assessment of Chronic Illness Care |
McColl Institute for Healthcare Innovation, Group Health Cooperative |
[58–73,79,121–132] |
Improving Chronic Illness Care Evaluation Survey |
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation; University of California, Berkeley |
[66] |
1999 Veterans Health Affairs Survey of Primary Care Practices |
Veterans Affairs Health Services Research and Development Center of Excellence for the Study of Healthcare Provider Behaviour |
[133–135] |
Medical Group Practice Organization Survey |
Corresponding author: Dr. Kralewski, Division of Health Services Research and Policy, University of Minnesota |
[100,136–138] |
Minnesota Health Care Survey for Physicians |
Corresponding author: Dr. Nancy Keating, Harvard Medical School |
[139] |
Primary Care Access Study |
Center for Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, University of Pennsylvania, School of Medicine |
[101] |
Primary Care Assessment Tool |
Developed by Dr. Barbara Starfield |
[102–107] |
Europe |
Improving Quality of Care in Diabetes |
Institute of Health and Society, Newcastle University; Newcastle Primary Care Trust |
[108,140,141] |
National Survey of the Provision of Diabetes Services |
Nuffield Institute for Health, University of Leeds, Leeds, West Yorkshire, England |
[109,110] |
WHO Primary Care Quality Management Tool |
Regional Office for Europe of the World Health Organization; the NIVEL |
[74,111] |
Survey of the Provision of Diabetes Services in Galway City and County |
Corresponding author: Dr. Evans, Department of Public Health, Merlin Park Hospital, Galway, Republic of Ireland |
[75,76] |
National Survey of Chronic Disease Management in General Practice |
Department of Public Health and Primary Care, Trinity College Dublin |
[77,78] |
Australia |
General Practice Chronic Care Team Profile |
Centre of Primary Health Care and Equity, University of New South Wales |
[80,81,112,113] |