Table 3.
Genetic diversity of the East Timor population and 24 surrounding populations using HVS-I
Population | Reference | n a | hts b | Unique hts | MPD c | RMP d |
1 - East Timor (pooled) | [3], this study | 362 | 94 | 52 (14%) | 5.976 ± 2.857 | 0.039 |
1A - East Timor | this study | 324 | 87 | 49 (15%) | 5.938 ± 2.841 | 0.039 |
2 - Nusa Tenggara | [3,5,24,65] | 1699 | 345 | 178 (10%) | 5.816 ± 2.783 | 0.017 |
3 - Bali | [5,24] | 570 | 138 | 71 (12%) | 5.643 ± 2.711 | 0.034 |
4 - Java | [5,24] | 97 | 49 | 31 (32%) | 5.570 ± 2.698 | 0.035 |
5 - Sumatra | [5,17,40] | 228 | 107 | 70 (31%) | 5.520 ± 2.664 | 0.023 |
6 - Mentawai | [5] | 128 | 16 | 4 (3%) | 4.687 ± 2.311 | 0.126 |
7 - Nias | [5,41] | 499 | 61 | 29 (6%) | 4.766 ± 2.334 | 0.153 |
8 - Peninsular Malaysia* | [17,57] | 470 | 158 | 98 (21%) | 6.350 ± 3.016 | 0.029 |
9 - Borneo | [24] | 157 | 102 | 77 (49%) | 5.345 ± 2.593 | 0.017 |
10 - Sulawesi | [5,24] | 437 | 153 | 108 (25%) | 4.804 ± 2.351 | 0.039 |
11 - Moluccas | [24,65] | 74 | 36 | 23 (31%) | 5.425 ± 2.643 | 0.055 |
12 - Philippines | [24,28] | 483 | 140 | 89 (18%) | 5.052 ± 2.457 | 0.035 |
13 - Vietnam | [58] | 187 | 119 | 91 (49%) | 5.445 ± 2.634 | 0.018 |
14 - Laos | [59] | 214 | 127 | 95 (44%) | 5.689 ± 2.737 | 0.018 |
15 - Thailand | [60] | 190 | 108 | 79 (42%) | 5.584 ± 2.694 | 0.02 |
16 - South Korea | [61] | 692 | 306 | 215 (31%) | 4.853 ± 2.370 | 0.019 |
17 - Taiwan (indigenous) | [24,45] | 718 | 86 | 35 (5%) | 5.197 ± 2.518 | 0.042 |
18 - Hainan | [62] | 293 | 99 | 45 (15%) | 5.338 ± 2.583 | 0.025 |
19 - Mixed Han (China) | [63] | 262 | 194 | 159 (61%) | 5.533 ± 2.668 | 0.008 |
20 - West New Guinea | [66] | 227 | 74 | 39 (17%) | 7.045 ± 3.320 | 0.046 |
21 - Papua New Guinea | [34,64] | 201 | 72 | 34 (17%) | 6.733 ± 3.188 | 0.046 |
22 - Admiralty Islands | [67,68] | 203 | 41 | 20 (10%) | 5.693 ± 2.739 | 0.152 |
23 - Solomon Islands | [29] | 703 | 102 | 41 (6%) | 3.660 ± 1.855 | 0.208 |
24 - Polynesia | [65,67] | 394 | 56 | 28 (7%) | 1.793 ± 1.038 | 0.340 |
25 - Australia (indigenous) | [34,69] | 146 | 50 | 22 (15%) | 4.555 ± 2.252 | 0.042 |
*including Singapore.
anumber of mtDNAs.
bnumber of haplotypes.
cmean number of pairwise differences.
drandom match probability.
Reading frame: nps 16080–16180, 16195–16354; total sample size: n = 9,634. For geographic locations, see Figure 1.