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. 2015 Jan 30;17(1):13. doi: 10.1186/s13058-015-0515-1

Table 1.

Deregulated microRNA expression associated with resistance to aromatase inhibitors

miRNA probe sets a Fold change b
Res-Let Res-Ana
Replicate 1 Replicate 2 Replicate 1 Replicate 2
miR-125b 1.87 2.44 1.86 2.13
miR-205 2.76 2.86 2.19 2.99
miR-30a 1.71 3.17 2.97 2.15
miR-424 −2.33 −2.07 −1.76 −1.74
miR-1292 −3.02 −1.73 −2.06 −2.06
miR-4492 −2.51 −1.77 −2.14 −2.02
miR-21 1.73 1.70 NC NC
miR-125b-2 1.70 1.79 1.94 NC
miR-128-1/miR-128-2 1.70 1.70 NC NC
miR-146b 1.96 1.97 1.78 NC
miR-301a 1.80 2.63 NC NC
miR-494 3.14 1.70 NC NC
miR-501 2.28 2.46 NC NC
miR-1226 2.28 1.98 NC NC
miR-1247 2.09 3.85 2.20 NC
miR-3135b 1.98 1.81 NC NC
miR-3613 2.68 1.93 2.76 NC
miR-4667 1.91 2.30 1.91 NC
miR-23a −1.75 −2.24 NC NC
miR-23b −2.08 −1.98 −1.72 NC
miR-92a-1 −1.73 −2.55 NC −1.86
miR-193a −2.03 −1.82 NC NC
miR-193b −2.04 −2.07 NC NC
miR-324 −1.88 −1.85 NC NC
miR-330 −1.72 −1.72 NC NC
miR-4449 −1.76 −1.94 NC NC
miR-491 −2.63 −2.41 NC NC
miR-550a-1/miR-550a-2 −2.05 −1.78 NC −3.07
miR-671 −1.73 −1.85 −1.81 NC
miR-744 −1.78 −1.87 NC NC
miR-1180 −2.14 −1.78 NC NC
miR-1287 −1.80 −1.88 NC NC
miR-1296 −1.83 −2.83 NC −2.90
miR-31 NC 3.68 1.88 4.39
miR-100 NC 2.43 2.40 2.31
miR-504 NC NC 2.70 2.61
miR-1269 NC NC 2.41 2.10
miR-3065 NC NC 1.86 2.05
miR-29b-1 NC NC −2.11 −2.22
miR-342 −1.77 NC −1.74 −1.77
miR-422a NC NC −2.21 −1.84
miR-486 −2.46 NC −1.88 −1.80
miR-4458 NC NC −2.73 −1.75
miR-4534 NC NC −2.42 −3.51
miR-4745 NC −1.80 −2.74 −3.74

aMicroRNAs (miRNAs) identified by the miRWalk database as being associated with a deregulated AKT pathway are shown in boldface type. bFold change (FC), corresponding to the ratio of the value for Res-Let or Res-Ana cells to that for MCF-7aro cells. Only probe sets with FC values superior to the cutoff selected (≥1.70 or less than or equal to −1.70) in the two independent cell culture replicates were considered to be differentially expressed. No change (NC) was defined as values −1.70 < FC <1.70.