Social network of Eritrea-born patients with TB in relation to 6 distinct 24-loci MIRU-VNTR strain-type clusters and associated cluster members born elsewhere, United Kingdom, January 2009–December 2013. Nonclustered Eritrean patients are included if >1 epidemiologic link to clustered patients is known. Circles denote Eritrea-born patients; triangles denote patients born elsewhere; solid squares denote places of social mixing. For patients, labels denote strain type cluster (A–F; X, no strain typing available) and chronological order of case notification within each strain type cluster. For places, labels denote type (H, private home; RV, religious venue; SC, school; WP, workplace). Patients associated with private homes may or may not usually reside at the address. Double lines with arrows denote connections between TB patients who named each other as contacts during routine contact tracing investigations. Detached symbols at the bottom indicate persons for whom no epidemiologic links to any other case were detected. MIRU-VNTR, mycobacterial interspersed repetitive units variable-number tandem-repeat; TB, tuberculosis.