Introduction of antibodies directed against proteins in the RMN complex sensitizes normal diploid fibroblasts to agents that damage chromosomal DNA. (A) Cell death was determined following treatment with 20 U of the restriction endonuclease PvuII in cells co-electroporated with non-specific IgG (1), anti-Rad50 antibody (2), anti-Mre11 antibody (3), anti-Nbs1 antibody (4), both anti-Rad50 and anti-Mre11 antibodies (5), both anti-Rad50 and anti-Nbs1 antibodies (6), both anti-Mre11 and anti-Nbs1 antibodies (7), and anti-Rad50, anti-Mre11 and anti-Nbs1 antibodies (8). (B) Cell death was determined after treatment with 200 ng/ml diepoxybutane of cells electroporated with the same antibodies as in (A).