Figure 6. Glial activation is reduced by modulating ATXN1 expression.
ATXN1 expression was turned off in the conditional cATXN1[30Q] -D776 mice at 6 weeks of age. Cerebellar sections from 12 weeks old untreated mice (N = 3, 12 weeks on –continuous expression of mutant ATXN1) or treated mice (N = 6, 6 weeks gene on, and 6 weeks gene off) were stained for Iba1 (a representative image) and GFAP. b Number of Iba1+ microglia in cerebellar cortex c GFAP intensity. d. mRNA levels of TNFα in the cerebella of untreated or DOX treated cATXN1[30Q]-D776 mice. Student's t-test P values are shown with all the histograms. Error bars represent SEM.