FIG 1.
Coculture S. wolfei with D. mccartyi strain 195 growing with 78 μmol of TCE and 4 mM butyrate amendment. (a) TCE dechlorination profile of coculture during the feeding cycle (●, TCE; ○, cis-DCE; ▽, VC; △, ETH; ×, control). (b) Cell numbers of coculture (□, strain 195; ○, S. wolfei). (c) H2 level and organic acid formation of coculture (●, acetate; ○, butyrate; △, hydrogen; ▽, control butyrate). (d) Graphical determination of fe values for strain 195 in the coculture in which the amounts of reducing equivalent H2 generated during butyrate fermentation were plotted against the amounts of electron acceptor reduced. The fe is indicated by the slope of the regression line. Values are averages of biological triplicates; error bars indicate the standard deviations.