Growth of Xcc306 (wild type [wt]) and Xcc306 Δagu67 in XVM2m containing sweetgum MeGXn or depolymerized MeGXn products. (A) Two-milliliter samples of culture medium containing XVM2m and 0.2% sweetgum MeGXn (◆ and ◇), XynA2-hydrolyzed 0.2% sweetgum MeGXn (● and ○), or 0.2% (3.3 mM) MeGX3 (▲ and ▵) were inoculated with an aliquot of either Xcc306 (◆, ●, ▲) or Xcc306Δagu67 (◇, ○, ▵) in nutrient broth at an OD600 of 0.01. Cell cultures of Xcc306 (B) and Xcc306 Δagu67 (C) were incubated at 28°C with rotation at 200 rpm. Media taken at the times (in hours) after initiation of incubation were analyzed by thin-layer chromatography (TLC). Xylan, cultures with 0.2% sweetgum MeGXn; stds, MeGX1-MeGX3 (10 nmol each) and X1-X3 (10 nmol each); XynA2-hydrolyzed xylan, cultures with 0.2% sweetgum xylan digested by XynA2; GX3, cultures with 0.2% (3.3 mM) MeGX3. Twelve microliters of the medium of each culture was spotted.