Multiphoton microscopy (MPM) image (A) and corresponding hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) image (B) at low magnification showing demarcation between normal urothelium (a) and lamina propria (b). Lamina propria is composed of collagen bundles (red) and elastin fibers (green). MPM image (C) and corresponding H&E image (D) at high magnification showing multi-layered urothelium and superficial umbrella cells. Umbrella cells in each image are boxed and shown at higher digital zoom in the inset. MPM image (E) and corresponding H&E image (F) at low magnification showing von Brunn nests, some with cystic dilatation (cystitis cystica; arrow). (MPM magnifications: A, 120×; C, 240×; E, 306×. H&E magnifications: B, 40×; D, 200×; F, 200×) (9).