Representative frozen sections of P7 WT (a) and Fbln5−/− (b) aorta stained with Alexa Fluor 633 Hydrazide for elastin (red) [33,34], Oregon Green 488 conjugated CNA35 [35] for collagen (green) and Hoescht 34580 for cell nuclei (blue). In WT aorta, the elastic laminae are outlined with collagen fibres. In Fbln5−/− aorta the collagen fibres appear integrated within the elastic laminae, suggesting that collagen may fill in the disruptions in the laminae observed in histology sections (figure 8) and electron microscopy images [12]. In both genotypes, cell nuclei can be seen oriented circumferentially between elastin layers. Three to five sections were examined for each group. Scale bar, 10 μm.