Fig. 2.
Induction of amyloid deposits by i.v. injection of 100 µg of AApoAII amyloid fibrils. (A) The degree of amyloid deposits (amyloid index, AI) in mice at the indicated time of observation. Each bar shows the mean. Numbers in parentheses represent amyloid-positive mice/total mice examined. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001 (Mann–Whitney U test). (B) AApoAII deposits in the tongue of B6.SPRET-Apoa2f mice after 9 mo of the induction. (Upper) Amyloid deposits were identified by green birefringence in Congo red (CR)-stained sections using polarizing LM. According to the criteria of AApoAII amyloid deposits in mice (13, 29, 30), grades of amyloid deposit were 4, 2, and 0 in Apoa2a/a, Apoa2a/f, and Apoa2f/f, respectively. (Lower) AApoAII deposits were confirmed immunohistochemically (IHC) with anti–apoA-II antiserum. (Scale bars: 100 µm.)