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. 2014 Aug;76(3-4):349–354.

Table 1.

Literature review about primary lymphoma of cauda equina

Reference Age/Sex Interval
Pathology Treatment Outcome Follow up
Mauney6) 68/F 1 wk B cell lymphoma RT Alive 3 months
Toner7) 59/M 3 mo B cell lymphoma RT, CT (intrathecal and intravenous) Alive 2 years
Klein8) 29/F 2 wk B cell lymphoma N.A. Died 5 weeks
Knopp9) 69/F 3 wk N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
Ooi10) 16/M 3 wk T-lymohoblastic lymphoma RT, CT (intrathecal and intravenous) Died 8 months
Giobbia11) 30/F 2 mo B cell lymphoma RT, CT (intrathecal) Alive 1 year
Zagami12) 71/F 3 wk B cell lymphoma CT (intrathecal) Died 16 months
Tajima13) 67/F 3 yr B cell lymphoma RT, CT (intrathecal) Alive 3 years
Khong14) 16/M 6 wk B cell lymphoma RT, CT (intravenous) Alive 1 year
Morita15) 67/M 2 mo NK/T cell lymphoma RT, CT (oral) Died 14 months
Beitzke23) 69/M 1 yr B cell lymphoma CT Died Soon after diagnosis
Teo16) 58/M 2 mo B cell lymphoma RT, CT (intravenous) Alive 2 years
Cugati17) 11/M 3 day N.A. RT, CT (intravenous) Alive 1 year
Iwasaki18) 69/M N.A. B cell lymphoma RT, CT (intravenous) Died 1.5 years
Nishida19) 47/M 10 day B cell lymphoma RT, CT (intrathecal and intravenous) Alive 1.5 years
(this study)
59/M 7 mo B cell lymphoma RT, CT (intravenous) Alive 1 year

N.A., not available; RT, radiation therapy; CT, chemotherapy