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. 2014 Aug;76(3-4):361–368.

Table 1.

Abbreviations: T2WI, T2 weighted image. mPSL, methylpredonisolone. PSL, predonisolone. AZP, azathioprine. MONO, monocytes. PMN, polymorphonuclear leukocytes. CYC, cyclophosphamide. MTX, methotrexate. IVIG, intravenous immunoglobulin. nr, not reported.

Cases filled in red were refractory to initial glucocorticoid therapy. Cases filled in blue had good response to initial glucocorticoid therapy. Other patients received no treatment or the results were unknown.5,7,21,27,28,30)

*The clinical course after the second pulse is not shown.

Year Age Sex Associated neurologic disorders (most patients had fever, headache or meningeal irritation signs) CSF Leucocytes (/mm 3) MRI Treatment neurological response to initial therapy neurological response at end of follow up Outcome treatment successfully dis­continued
this case 58 M amnesia, cognitive
impairment, emotional
liability, urinary
incontinence, euphoria
(32 PMN and
ventricular enlargement mPSL 1 g/day 3 days→
PSL 1 mg/kg/day→
transitory good alive yes
2011 9) 57 M generalized seizure, confusion 700
(MONO 686)
T2WI high,
high dose i.v. mPSL→
high dose i.v. mPSL+CYC
transitory good alive no
2011 7) 52 M amnesia, gait disorders and urinary incontinence, acalculia 231
(PMN 161, MONO 69)
ventricular enlargement mPSL 500 mg+IVIG
30 g/day 5 days→
PSL 20 mg/day→
Steroid Pulse
transitory good or transitory* alive no
2009 3) 62 M delirium, hallucinations, agitation, disinhibition, cognitive impairment, seizure, disturbed consciousness, recurrent clonic convulsion 39 (MONO 23) FLAIR high iv mPSL 3 days a week
3 weeks→iv mPSL 3 days
a week 4 weeks→
PSL 20 mg/day+tacrolimus 3 mg/day
transitory worsend alive no
2008 12) 51 M coordination disorder, distractibility, emotional lability, insomnia, nocturnal myoclonic jerks, perseveration, attention and concentration deficits, confusion, speech latency, word-finding difficulty, myoclonus 39 (MONO 59) high signal abnormalities PSL 80 mg/day→
150 mg/day
worsened worsend died (after 10 months of neurological onset) no
2011 4) 73 M transitory loss of consciousness, confusion, disorientation, confabulation, aphasia, hallucinations, cognitive impairment 89 (MONO 89) FLAIR high, T2 high mPSL1500 mg 3 days→
3500 mg→
mPSL po 24 mg/day→
mPSL 1500 mg+ plasmapheresis→+IVIG
transitory worsend died (after 5 month of disease onset) no
2009 11) 67 F bradykinesia, disturbed consciousness, reduced willingness, walking disorder 73 (MONO 73) FLAIR high mPSL 1000 mg/day
3 days→PSL 40 mg/day→
PSL 60–50 mg/day
+MTX 6–8 mg/w+CyA
100–200 mg/day
transitory worsend died (after 6 months of neurological onset) no
1992 19) 73 F decreased consciousness, slow in mention, right eyelid paresis, slight unilateral facial weakness nr nr PSL 100 mg/day→
+Cyc 100 mg/day→
PSL 5 mg/day→both stopped
good good alive yes
2011 7) 44 M amnesia, irritated, anxious 190 (PMN17 MONO 171) T2WI high mPSL 200 mg 5 days→
120 mg/day one week→
PSL 60 mg/day
+AZP 100 mg/day→PSL 25 mg/day+AZP 100 mg/day
good good alive no
2011 7) 44 F anxiety, insomnia 70 (PMN 28 MONO 42) normal mPSL 500 mg iv→mPSL 120 mg/day→+AZP good good alive no
2011 8) 68 F dysarthria, disorientation, impaired language function, agraphia 100 (PMN 33, MONO 67) high intensity mPSL 1 g 3 days→
PSL 1 mg/kg/day→10 mg/day
good good alive no
2010 10) 70 M confusion, hallucinations 38 T2WI high, gadolinium enhancement mPSL 1 g 3 days→
PSL 1 mg/kg/day→15 mg/day
good good alive no
2008 13) 66 F bradykinesia, somnolence, urinary incontinence, mutism, disorientation 90 T1WI low, T2WI high, FLAIR high mPSL 1000 mg/day 3 days good good alive no
2008 12) 68 M comprehension problems, emotional lability, confusion, language problems, amnesia, executive dysfunction, visuospatial impairment, mild anomia 4 (MONO 2) T2WI high PSL 80 mg/day good good alive no
2007 14) 40 M confusion, somnolence 1500 (PMN 1245) T2WI high, FLAIR high intravenous steroid therapy good good alive no
2007 26) 64 M amnesia, disorientation, acalculia, reduced willingness 14 (MONO 14) T2WI high, FLAIR high PSL 30 mg po→
PSL 20 mg/day po
good good alive no
2006 15) 71 F confuse, aphasia, weakness of right extremities 110 (MONO 100) enhanced hydrocortisone 200 mg/day→
PSL 60 mg/day→
PSL 20 mg/day
good good alive no
2004 17) 38 M right-side weakness, diplopia, right side hemipregia, with hyperreflexia and clonus at the ankle, confuse nr T2WI high corticosteroid therapy→
PSL 1 mg/kg/day+AZP
good good alive no
2004 2) 45 M confusion, euphoria, hyperactive behavior, disorientation, amnesia, fever, inappropriately jocular affect, disjointed speech, confabulation, attention deficits 8000 (MONO 7520) T2WI high high dose mPSL→
PSL 40 mg/day
good good alive no
2004 16) 49 M disorientation, somnolent, ataxic, disorientation, gait disorder 145 (PMN 55 MONO 81) T2WI high 1 g mPSL 3 days→
PSL 40 mg/day a week→
20 mg→10 mg/day+ 200 mg hydroxychloroquine per day
good good alive no
2004 1) 57 M amnesia, anxiety, depressive state 119 (MONO 105) T2WI high, FLAIR high, gadolinium enhanced mPSL 1 g/day 3 days 2 course
→60 mg/day
good good alive no
2004 2) 62 M acalculia, confusion, euphoria, amnesia 24000 (MONO 21360) T2WI high, FLAIR high methylprednisone pulse→
PSL 40 mg/day po
good good alive no
1995 18) 36 M horizontal diplopia 5 (5 MONO) T2WI high, gadolinium enhancement PSL 20 mg taper over 2 weeks→
30 mg/day→3 months→
10 mg/day
good good alive no
1991 20) 64 M change in mental status, hallucination 100 (2PMN, 96 MONO) nr PSL 100 mg iv→
60 mg/day→
125 mg/day
good good alive no
1983 22) 58 F unsteady in walking, confused, hallucination, disorientation, nystagmus, facial weakness nr nr PSL 80 mg/day→
dapson 200 mg/day
good good alive no
2012 6) 60 M acalculia, dyslexia,
right left agnosia,
mild right hemiplesia
138 (MONO 128 PMN 10) FLAIR high, enhanced PSL iv→PSL po 20 mg good good improved no
1984 21) 51 M left facial weakness, ataxia, dementia, confuse normal nr steroid no no alive no
2011 7) 54 M bipolar disorder, fmemory loss, hallucinations, amnesia, disorientation, insomnia, irritability 800 (MONO 800) T2WI high mPSL 1000 mg iv 3 days→
PSL 80 mg/day+AZP
nr good alive no
2009 5) 29 M nr 32 (PMN 32) T2WI high, FLAIR high oral steroid→
nr nr alive no
2000 28) 75 F tremor nr T2WI high nr nr nr alive no
2008 30) 61 M convulsions, dicreased interest, slurred speech, hallucinations, somnolent, rigidity 312 (MONO 299) T2WI high, FLAIR high, gadolinuim enhancement no treatment (supportive therapy alone) good good alive no
2006 27) 53 M cognitive impairment, difficulties with problem solving, amnesia, uncharacteristically aggressive and abusive behavior, disorientation, psychomotor dysfunction nr DWI high palliative care no (no treatment) no (no treatment) died (after 18 months from onset) no