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. 2014 Feb;76(1-2):129–138.

Table 3.

Correlation coefficients between study variables and MBS and EPDS scores

Ozbstetric factors
Maximum MBS EDPS
at 1 M
Previous pregnancies 0.015 –0.051
Previous deliveries –0.072 –0.140
Duration of labor –0.035 –0.011
Amount of bleeding –0.095 –0.128
Duration of Skin-to-skin contact 0.125 0.150
Husband/partner present at delivery –0.034 –0.112
Birth weight –0.104 –0.063
Rate of infant weight increase at 1 month 0.090 0.022
Infant weight at 1 month –0.147
Feelings regarding pregnancy, childbirth, husband and psychiatric scales
Maximum MBS EDPS
at 1 M
I was happy when I learned I was pregnant –.054 0.097
I was happy when I felt fetal movement –.018 0.152
I tried to do something for the baby during my pregnancy .052 0.123
My husband/partner was happy when told of my pregnancy –.080 0.007
My husband/partner cooperated with me during my pregnancy .049 0.093
I was satisfied with our marriage –.090 0.114
I have a friend I can talk to about maternity life or child rearing –0.223** –0.226**
I was satisfied with my delivery experience –.115 0.054
Infant attachment score on day 3 –.114 –0.142
Infant attachment score on day 5 –.175 –0.185**
Infant attachment score at 1 month –0.207**
Maximum maternity blues score .472**
Sociodemographic factors
Maximum MBS EDPS
at 1 M
Mother’s age .133 0.194*
Husband’s/partner’s age .069 0.164
Mother’s employment states (Yes/No) –.135 –0.124
Husband’s/partner’s employment states (Yes/No) –.161 –0.053
Satogaeri bunben (Yes/No) –.223* –0.016
Presence of support figure (Yes/No) –.090 –0.125