PedACR criteria for determining the magnitude of the treatment response in juvenile idiopathic arthritis |
Core set measures:
Physician's global assessment of disease activity (10 cm visual analog scale)
Patient and/or parent global assessment of overall wellbeing
Number of active joints
Number of joints with limited range of movement
Disability index [childhood health assessment questionnaire (CHAQ) score]
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
PedACR30 response is frequently used to assess treatment response in paediatric rheumatology clinical trials. A significant clinical response to treatment is defined as improvement of ≥30% in at least three of the six criteria, without worsening of ≥30% in no more than one criterion
PedACR50, 70, 90 response is defined as improvement of ≥50, ≥70, ≥90% in at least three of the six criteria, Without worsening by ≥50, ≥70, ≥90% in no more than one criterion
Disease flare can be defined using the PedACR criteria and is defined as three of the six core set variables worsening by ≥30%, with no more than one of the six improving by ≥30%