Table 2. Current PSSS-R scores according to disorders at age 17 years among girls and boys.
Note: SP = Social phobia (SPIN ≥ 24, R-BDI < 8), DEP = depression (SPIN < 24, R-BDI ≥ 8), and comorbid SP/DEP (SPIN ≥ 24, R-BDI ≥ 8). M = median, SD = standard deviation. Statistical significance by the Bonferroni-corrected Mann–Whitney test: disorder groups vs. no SP/DEP group: ** = p < .001, * = p < .00833; DEP or comorbid SP/DEP groups vs. SP group: ++ p < .001, + p < .00833; Comorbid SP/DEP group vs. DEP group: ¤¤ p < .001, ¤ p < .00833. p of gender difference: (1), in no SP/DEP; (2), in SP; (3), in DEP; and (4), in comorbid SP/DEP groups.