Fibroblast Flow Cytometry and Microarray Analysis. (A) Fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) gating strategy showing selection of cells (left plot), selection for viable cells based on PE viability staining (middle plot), and selection of fibroblasts (right plot) on the basis of lineage negativity for CD31, CD45, Tie2, Ter119, and EpCAM.
(B) Microarray Analysis of Uncultured Live Harvested (U.LH) versus Cultured Live Harvested (C.LH) versus Cultured Tissue Explant (C.TE) Fibroblasts. Similarity of gene expression between U.LH (n=3), C.LH (n=3), and C.TE (n=3) fibroblast populations as measured by the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient (r). [C.LH vs. C.TE: r=0.92]; [C.LH vs. U.LH: r=0.61]; [C.TE vs. U.LH: r=0.64] Color images available online at