Characterization of cell lysis frequencies of adhered germlings in Δfig1, ΔPrm1; Δfig1, Δfig1; Δlfd-1, and ΔPrm1; Δfig1; Δldf-1 mutants under normal and altered calcium conditions. (A) Frequency of fusion (black bars), lysis (white bars), or nonfusion (where adhered germlings are blocked at cell fusion; gray bars) of Δfig1 germlings under different calcium concentrations. (B) Frequency of fusion (black bars), lysis (white bars), or nonfusion (where adhered germlings are blocked at cell fusion; gray bars) of ΔPrm1; Δfig1, Δfig1; Δlfd-1, and ΔPrm1; Δlfd-1; Δfig1 germlings. Bars indicate standard deviations.