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. 2015 Jan 15;191(2):135–140. doi: 10.1164/rccm.201410-1894OE

Table 1.

Causes of and Solutions to Antibiotic Resistance Crisis

Problem Causes Potential Solutions
Difficulty discovering new classes of antibiotics • Easy to discover antibiotics already discovered • Find new substrate to screen for new antibiotics
• Change the screening methodology
• Consider developing treatments that don’t seek to kill microbes
Economically unattractive to discover and develop new antibiotics • Companies make more money selling chronic therapies • New business models for antibiotic development—defense contractor model
• Antibiotic pricing does not reflect societal value • Public–private partnerships focused on new antibiotic development
• Stewardship reduces sales of new antibiotics • Focus on developing antibiotics for resistant pathogens and unmet need, which will support higher pricing
Regulatory barriers to developing new antibiotics • Overemphasis on exaggerated statistical concerns outweighing clinical reality and practicality in trial designs • Regulatory reform so that regulatory standards are rigorous, but also feasible and clinically relevant
Overuse of antibiotics • Inadequate diagnostics • Encourage development and use of molecular diagnostics to enable targeting antibiotics and withholding antibiotics from viral infections
• Treatment regimens are too long for most infections • More studies on short-course therapy; encouraging short-course therapies clinically; biomarkers to individualize duration of therapy
• Continue to treat viral infections with antibiotics • Novel psychological approaches to overuse, including the “gentle nudge” approach of public commitment
• Enhanced infection prevention