Figure 3.
Bicluster visualization. The heatmap shows the membership of each patient with regards to the 12 miRNA biclusters. Only the patients belonging to at least one miRNA bicluster are reported. Membership ranges from -1 to +1, with 0 meaning no membership. +1 and -1 indicate highest membership, but with opposite correlation degree. The heatmap indicates a strong relationship between some features of the dataset and specific subclass of miRNA. Indeed the expression patterns of miRNA family hsa-mir-17/19a/17*/20a* inside the azure rectangle shows an almost exclusive link with TNBC samples. The pink rectangle in miRNA-205 links this non coding RNA to a specific subclass of BC samples. The blue rectangle evidences an inverse correlation between the mir-452 and some IDC samples. The grey rectangle evidences the association to mir-320-RNASEN(1) with histological normal samples