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. 2014 Oct 14;3(4):e20159. doi: 10.5812/cardiovascmed.20159

Table 3. Postoperative Factors Affecting the Length of Stay in Intensive Care Unit a,b.

Variables ICU Stay (n = 280) P value
≤ 96 Hours (n = 184) > 96 Hours (n = 96)
Intubation Time 0.01
≤ 24 Hours 166 (90.2) 46 (47.9)
> 24 Hours 18 (9.8) 42 (43.8)
Tracheotomy 0 8 (8.3)
Intubation Time, h 10.56 (6–12) 210.21 (21–144) 0.01
Inotrope Use in ICU 0.01
0 137 (74.45) a 38 (39.58)
1 35 (19.02) 26 (27.08)
≥ 2 12 (6.52) 32 (33.33)
Duration of Inotrope in ICU 0.01
- 137 (74.5) 40 (41.7)
≤ 24 Hours 34 (18.5) 8 (8.3)
> 24 Hours 13 (7.1) 48 (50)
TIA 0 9 (9.4) 0.01
Infection 0 18 (18.8) 0.01
Hemodialysis 1 (0.5) 4 (4.2) 0.03
CPR 4 (2.2) 19 (19.8) 0.01
Re-intubation 1 (0.5) 20 (20.8) 0.01

aAbbreviations: CPR, cardiopulmonary resuscitation; ICU, intensive care unit; and TIA, transient ischemic attack.

bThe data are shown as median (interquartile range) or No. (%).