Figure 7. Abcg1−/− macrophages display enhanced cytotoxicity for tumor cells.
(a,b) Tumor cells from Western-like diet-fed Abcg1fl/fl-LysM-Cre+ (n=6) and Abcg1fl/fl-LysM-Cre− (n=6) mice were analyzed for angiogenesis markers by flow cytometry 18 days after injection of MB49 cells. (a) Representative contour plots and (b) dot plot show percentages of CD45−, CD31+,CD34+ vascular endothelial cells in the tumor. (c,d) Cytotoxicity of macrophages for tumor cells was analyzed by flow cytometry (See methods). (c) Representative contour plots and (d) bar graph show percentages of CD45−, F4/80−, 7-AAD+ MB49 tumor cells. Data are representative of 2 independent experiments with similar results (mean ± s.e.m., *P < 0.05, two-tailed Student’s t test).