The phenotype of vaginal CD8+ T cells in the Ivag
SIINFEKL-immunized RAG-I KO, OT-I transgenic mice. This is representative of 2
independently repeated experiments (n=3) with the same results. (a
and b) The CD69 expression of CD8+ T cells in
vaginal mucosa and iliac LNs of naïve and immunized animals that were
sacrificed at 8 hours and 12 hours PI. (a) Gating strategy.
(b) The statistical difference (mean ± SEM) among
naïve and 2 immunized groups. The p value was generated using a one-way
ANOVA plus Tukey’s multiple comparison. (c) The gating
strategies for the phenotype assay of vaginal CD8+ T cells in
naïve and immunized animals at 8 hours after immunization. Left
plots, The percentage of CD62L+ and
CD44low cells out of total vaginal CD8+ T
cells. Middle left plots, The percentage of vaginal
CD8+ T cells. Middle right plots, The
percentage of CD69 expressing cells out of total vaginal CD8+
T cells. Right plots, The percentage of CD62L+
CD44low cells out of total CD69 expressing vaginal
CD8+ T cells. (d) The statistical difference
(mean ± SEM) of panel C, left plots. (e) The statistical
difference (mean ± SEM) of panel C, right plots. The p values were
generated using Student’s t test.