Agarose gel electrophoresis of multiplex PCR products amplified from genomoic DNA of Bacillus cereus for grouping on the basis of enterotoxin gene; Part 1—primers used for cytK,hblC, hblA and hblD genes and Part 2—primers used for entFM, nheC, nheA and nheB genes. M presents 100 bp plus DNA ladder; L1 to L7 present the isolates of B. cereus (Group 1 to Group 6). The polymerase chain reaction products in base pairs in figure indicate the enterotoxin gene i.e. 1,018, 935, 884, 759, 695, 618, 565, 486 indicates hblD, nheB, hblA, nheA, hblC, nheC, cytK and entFM, respectively