Table 1a.
Publication | Method | Cancer type | No of patients | Type of data | Accuracy | Validation method | Important features |
Ayer T et al. [19] | ANN | Breast cancer | 62,219 | Mammographic, demographic | AUC = 0.965 | 10-fold cross validation | Age, mammography findings |
Waddell M et al. [44] | SVM | Multiple myeloma | 80 | SNPs | 71% | Leave-one-out cross validation | snp739514, snp521522, snp994532 |
Listgarten J et al. [45] | SVM | Breast cancer | 174 | SNPs | 69% | 20-fold cross validation | snpCY11B2 (+) 4536 T/C snpCYP1B1 (+) 4328 C/G |
Stajadinovic et al. [46] | BN | Colon carcinomatosis | 53 | Clinical, pathologic | AUC = 0.71 | Cross-validation | Primary tumor histology, nodal staging, extent of peritoneal cancer |